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Giorgino | Giorgino or Savio (Savinho)?

Giorgino or Savio (Savinho)?

2024.07.07 20:43 Pra1217 Part 2: In Memoriam, the last 100 Helldivers deployed from the SES Martyr of Freedom.

2024.06.12 16:52 iamthemetricsystem I’m having a really hard time liking the characters

Just finished the end of Season 2 (presumably) and I just feel like for a show where the focus is more about the people and less then the machine, almost everyone in the show is unlikable. Here is my brief description of each one, and my problem with them if I have any

  • Dusty seems to be confused most of the time and hurts others in the process yet doesn’t really care he’s doing so. He doesn’t seem to care about his daughter’s life whatsoever and he’s also just way too plain to be the “main” character.
  • Cass is a hypocrite with Dusty and is so hot and cold with him especially with the whole alice thing it’s ridiculous. She also has this massive ego since it was revealed her card was Royalty and it makes her hard to like, I don’t know what power move she tried pulling with dusty singing as a meatball but it did not look good
  • Hana is so goddamn boring, I just can’t bring myself to be interested in a scene with her even with Father Rueben who I quite liked in the first season, the two have no chemistry, and i’m really disappointed she seems to somehow be the most involved with the machine.
  • Jacob constantly looks annoyed, and even if a lot of the time he has a right to be he just comes off as really jealous and arrogant every time he’s on screen. The “mysterious moody teenager” trope needs to fucking die it’s so tiring. I find it really difficult to believe he ever liked Trina at any stage either.
  • Trina may make a lot of questionable decisions in the show but she seems like the only person who genuinely cares about the people around her (besides giorgino after season 1) she seems to actually love Jacob and her parents even if she’s at times a little sassy.
  • Beau is alright on screen, I like his character development of trying to be this strong dad for Jacob but also not knowing what he’s really doing, but I struggle to see what they do with him in season 3 though.
  • Izzy (Cass’ mum) has no redeemable qualities. I understand that’s her character but she gets such an unnecessary amount of screen time. The actress is absolutely fine at playing the character but she has no use in the show, they could cut her out and the show would not change at all.
  • Giorgio is the only character they’ve figured out how to write for imo. It took a season but they gave him less screen time to be more of a comic relief and he’s not written to be a villain anymore.

submitted by iamthemetricsystem to TheBigDoorPrize [comments]

2024.05.18 10:18 Higher6752 Best hoagie or Italian sandwich in SD?

As an unfortunate NY transplant, I’m pretty snobbish when it comes to hoagies and Italian sandwiches. I know I should be focusing on Mexican, however, I’m all ears to your favorite spots when that sandwich craving hits.
Looking for any recs for:
-Hoagies/heros/Italian subs
-A good caprese
-Any place with schiacciata (like focaccia but thinner and crispier)
-Any other authentic Italian sandwich without having to make a trip to All’Antico Vinaio in LA
Places tried already:
-La Shore Market and Deli (hole-in-the-wall, big sandwiches with lots of meat)
-Poma’s in OB (could do with more meat)
Places on my list:
-Hungry Lu’s

Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

submitted by Higher6752 to sandiego [comments]

2024.04.04 19:10 Ashamed_Shine7783 Help me choosing a CAM

Before the end of Season 4 I sold my captain and best player Laszlo Benes (30 yr old- 84 rated) to Man City. 60Million EUROS was a lot of money and he wanted to play with Guardiola. I need help picking my new CAM, I want a good pick that will also be realistic. My team is Middlesbrough and we are going to play Europa League again this season. I also forgot to take a picture of Giorgino Rutter- he is currently playing at Villarreal in my CM and eliminated me in the semifinals- Rutter played really well.

submitted by Ashamed_Shine7783 to FifaCareers [comments]

2024.04.03 18:25 FJB444 Who makes the best Pizza in Raleigh?

Cary/Morrisville/Apex are all included. Give me your best recommendation from anywhere close. Is it Di Fara, V pizza, Ginos, Marcos, Jets, Oakwood, Bennys, Randys, Little Caesar, Giorginos, J & S New York Pizza etc? Being from up North I like NY Style thin bread and heavy on the cheese.

submitted by FJB444 to raleigh [comments]

2024.02.23 01:27 Weekly-Inspector-179 Villa Marongiu

Villa Marongiu

Nel contesto del patrimonio edilizio da preservare nell’area di Giorgino ovest, si annoverano strutture di rilievo quali l’ex carcere minorile, Villa Aresu, e altresì Villa Marongiu. Quest’ultima, una costruzione in mattoni rossi, ha funto da quartier generale per la direzione dei lavori del porto canale negli anni ’80, nascondendo una storia ricca di particolari ancora da esplorare. La complessità della sua storia è stata evidenziata dall’architetto Veronica Puddu, che ha dedicato la propria tesi di laurea allo studio dell’edificio.
La villa sorge in una zona che, nel secondo dopoguerra, veniva considerata ideale per lo sviluppo turistico, rappresentando una delle numerose residenze erette lungo il litorale dai rinomati medici di Cagliari. Con il fallire delle aspettative turistiche e l’occupazione da parte di abusivi, negli anni ’80, l’immobile è stato espropriato dall’ente Casic per la realizzazione del porto canale. Al termine dei lavori, Villa Marongiu è stata affidata in gestione alla Polisportiva Orca Marina, che si è impegnata a conservare il valore architettonico dell’edificio.

submitted by Weekly-Inspector-179 to Cagliari [comments]

2024.02.13 16:05 k_sharif ??

Mutuo 100% per acquisto in asta

assistenza e consulenza per acquisto immobili in asta

2024.02.11 01:54 Doosh_858 Giorgino’s

2024.02.07 08:42 Dbwasson I never thought I would see this

2024.01.19 15:10 Ricosss Ketogenic nutritional therapy (KeNuT)-a multi-step dietary model with meal replacements for the management of obesity and its related metabolic disorders: a consensus statement from the working group of the Club of the Italian Society of Endocrinology (SI (Pub Date: 2024-01-18)



The ketogenic nutritional therapy (KeNuT) is an effective dietary treatment for patients with obesity and obesity-related comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and some type of cancers. However, to date an official document on the correct prescription of the ketogenic diet, validated by authoritative societies in nutrition or endocrine sciences, is missing. It is important to emphasize that the ketogenic nutritional therapy requires proper medical supervision for patient selection, due to the complex biochemical implications of ketosis and the need for a strict therapeutic compliance, and an experienced nutritionist for proper personalization of the whole nutritional protocol.


This practical guide provides an update of main clinical indications and contraindications of ketogenic nutritional therapy with meal replacements and its mechanisms of action. In addition, the various phases of the protocol involving meal replacements, its monitoring, clinical management and potential side effects, are also discussed.


This practical guide will help the healthcare provider to acquire the necessary skills to provide a comprehensive care of patients with overweight, obesity and obesity-related diseases, using a multistep ketogenic dietary treatment, recognized by the Club of the Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE)-Diet Therapies in Endocrinology and Metabolism.


  • Barrea L
  • Caprio M
  • Camajani E
  • Verde L
  • Perrini S
  • Cignarelli A
  • Prodam F
  • Gambineri A
  • Isidori AM
  • Colao A
  • Giorgino F
  • Aimaretti G
  • Muscogiuri G

—————————————— Info ——————————————
Open Access: True
Additional links: * https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s40618-023-02258-2.pdf
—————————————— Open Access ——————————————
If the paper is behind paywall, please consider uploading it to our google drive anonymously.
You’ll have to log on to Google but none of your personal data is stored. I will manually add a link to the file in this post when received.
Upload PDF

submitted by Ricosss to ketoscience [comments]

2024.01.15 15:39 Nerdvosaa Giorgino, esci a toccare dell’erba invece di fumartela- cosa?

2023.12.04 18:29 douglasreiss Time for some *16th camper* lore…

submitted by douglasreiss to Totaldrama [comments]

2023.09.19 00:25 Edem_13 Looking for the Movies with the same vibe as in Giorgino (1994)

I am a huge fan of the Giorgino movie (1994) with Mylène Farmer. I love everything about this, the story, the visual concept, the acting, the setting, the soundtracks. Everything, it is just pure genius.
So, I would really love to know more movies that have the same vibe as Giorgino.
Hope the Reddit power can help me here:).

submitted by Edem_13 to MovieSuggestions [comments]

2023.09.06 15:05 Fel_buisnes Exploring Italy’s Interesting and Unusual Cultural Gems

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per le imprese

Hey there! In my last post, I shared my amazing experience at the 2023 Firenze Rocks festival in Italy. Since I make this trip every year and absolutely adore Italian culture, I always set aside a few extra days to revisit my favorite spots and uncover some hidden gems. So, I’m excited to share on intriguing and lesser-known places that you absolutely shouldn’t miss. 1. In Rome, on the Aventino Hill, there is an unusual keyhole, looking through which you can see three different states – the Vatican, the Order of Malta and Italy itself. It is a secret gem, known to only a few tourists. Yet, there’s always a queue of curious visitors eager to catch a glimpse. Thankfully, it moves pretty quickly. Throughout history, this area has been home to various dynasties, but the fortress you’ll see today was crafted by Cardinal Giovanni Battista Rezzonico in 1765. He created a Rococo-style square adorned with coats of arms and trophies. From here, you can admire a rose garden and, a little farther, explore the orange grove, known as Parco Savello, designed by the Savelli family between 1285 and 1287.

  1. Another treasure of Rome is the Pasta Museum. This one-of-a-kind museum is dedicated solely to pasta. Within its eleven galleries, you’ll be treated to an eight-century journey through the history of pasta, as well as artwork crafted from macaroni. Among the exhibits, you’ll witness the entire process from grain milling and porridge preparation to crafting pasta dough and bringing it to its final delectable form. Armed with these facts, you’ll be ready to impress your Italian friends the next time they claim foreigners don’t understand pasta.
  2. The Venice bookstore Libreria Alta Acqua shatters all stereotypes of what a traditional bookshop should be. Here, books are stacked in picturesque piles on the floor, adding a touch of local charm. With periodic rises in water levels due to the city’s unique setting, owner Frizzo Luigi has ingeniously safeguarded his collection by placing books in vintage tubs, basins, and even gondolas. It’s an experience that truly captures the spirit of Venice and its resilience.
  3. Like all travelers, I hold a special place in my heart for Italy’s enchanting streets. The “Garden of Cultures” on Emilio Morosini Street in Milan stands as yet another testament to the distinctive character of Italian alleys, unlike any others in the world. Here, you’ll discover a courtyard where building walls are adorned with the creations of a contemporary artist from Turin – Francesco Camillo Giorgino. These vivid murals mirror the city’s spirit – vibrant, carefree, and unrestrained, embodying the culture where history, art, and the lively Italian essence intertwine.
  4. While in Milan, it’s a must to step into the world of MUSEO POLDI PEZZOLI. Nestled on Via Manzoni, close to the illustrious Golden Quadrangle, this gallery houses captivating collections that showcase the artistic legacy of Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli – a benefactor of 19th-century Milanese art. The museum proudly exhibits the works of renowned Italian masters, including Botticelli, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, representative of the Paduan School of painting Andrea Mantegna, the Venetian vedutisti school’s Francesco Guardi, and one of the great Renaissance artists, Giovanni Bellini.
  5. Just 7 km away from Venice lies the enchanting Burano Island, a place that stands out with its vibrant charm. Here, you’ll discover rows of petite, colorful houses that resemble charming toys from afar. But it’s not just the exterior that captures attention – Buranello, the local renowned cookie, adds a sweet note to the visit. As for the captivating origins of the colorful houses, there are differing tales. One suggests that wives of fishermen painted the homes so their husbands could spot them from afar and navigate back home. Another version attributes this tradition to wives of wine enthusiasts, aiming to guide their partners safely home.
  6. On the same Burano Island, you’ll find the intriguing Venetian Lace Museum. According to a fascinating legend, the first lace was brought here by a fisherman who encountered a mesmerizing mermaid at sea. Resisting her enchanting song, he remained faithful to his beloved and in return, the mermaid gifted him an intricate lace veil for his bride-to-be. Since then, the art of lace-making has been revered and passed down through generations in Venice.
  7. Turin, a lavish baroque city, boasts an array of architectural marvels and unique museums. Within its embrace, the Royal Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site and residence of the Savoy dynasty, stands in all its opulence. The Turin Cathedral and the Picture Gallery, housing works by Italian and Dutch masters, are equally captivating. A visit should also include stops at Valentino Castle, the Mole Antonelliana, Basilica di Superga, and Madama Palace. The city proudly showcases a myriad of museums, some of which are remarkably original, like the Martini Museum.
  8. And finally, a hidden treasure in Florence that even frequent visitors may not be familiar with – the Vasari Corridor. Once a secret passageway stretching over a kilometer, this covered gallery enabled rulers to traverse the city without stepping foot outside their palaces. Named after its creator, Giorgio Vasari, this corridor seamlessly connects Palazzo Vecchio and Palazzo Pitti – two of the city’s most iconic landmarks.

Feel free to explore these hidden treasures and share your experiences in the comments section!

submitted by Fel_buisnes to u/Fel_buisnes [comments]

2023.06.07 18:39 Ricosss Hepatokines, bile acids and ketone bodies are novel Hormones regulating energy homeostasis. (Pub Date: 2023)

Current views show that an impaired balance partly explains the fat accumulation leading to obesity. Fetal malnutrition and early exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds also contribute to obesity and impaired insulin secretion and/or sensitivity. The liver plays a major role in systemic glucose homeostasis through hepatokines secreted by hepatocytes. Hepatokines influence metabolism through autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine signaling and mediate the crosstalk between the liver, non-hepatic target tissues, and the brain. The liver also synthetizes bile acids (BAs) from cholesterol and secretes them into the bile. After food consumption, BAs mediate the digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and lipids in the duodenum. In recent studies, BAs act not simply as fat emulsifiers but represent endocrine molecules regulating key metabolic pathways. The liver is also the main site of the production of ketone bodies (KBs). In prolonged fasting, the brain utilizes KBs as an alternative to CHO. In the last few years, the ketogenic diet (KD) became a promising dietary intervention. Studies on subjects undergoing KD show that KBs are important mediators of inflammation and oxidative stress. The present review will focus on the role played by hepatokines, BAs, and KBs in obesity, and diabetes prevention and management and analyze the positive effects of BAs, KD, and hepatokine receptor analogs, which might justify their use as new therapeutic approaches for metabolic and aging-related diseases.


  • Garruti G
  • Baj J
  • Cignarelli A
  • Perrini S
  • Giorgino F

—————————————— Info ——————————————
Open Access: True
Additional links: * https://doi.org/10.3389/fendo.2023.1154561 * https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10236950
—————————————— Open Access ——————————————
If the paper is behind paywall, please consider uploading it to our google drive anonymously.
You’ll have to log on to Google but none of your personal data is stored. I will manually add a link to the file in this post when received.
Upload PDF

submitted by Ricosss to TheKetoScienceJournal [comments]

2023.05.11 14:54 potate134 Yasir Gilbert and Nogi Bases are scamers on Facebook

They work together, Nogi is the “buyer” and Yasir is the “middle man” here is some information on them. Sadly i got scammed by them. In the process of recovering my account. (Wish me luck on recovering my account)
Nogi contact information: +64 838-4729-1407 Ginobas#6064 [email protected] Possible name : Giorgino Sebastion
Yasir contact information : [email protected] Possible name : Zheng Shi
How they scammed me –
Nogi messages me on player auctions with
my budgets around ur price actually I’m interested too, btw its final price? maybe we make a transaction if you dont mind: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zzR121u8mnPhOUhp10wfLSspPLhpqFw8 (1st red flag moving away from the purchasing platform)
Opening the google drive one document states –
I chat with them via discord, apparently Nogi was looking for an account for a “friend” and asks for photos. Also asked to pay more than i wanted. (3rd red flag, if the friend was trying to get a genshin account. That means they got internet to talk to me themselves. And people usually wants to spend less money on the account, never more)
Nogi asks to go on Facebook to resend the pictures to him (4th red flag, he can do it himself?!?!)
Then asks me if its alright to join group chat with said “friend” turned out to be a middle man. They typed or copied and pasted so quickly. (5th red flag why did Nogi respond quickly to the form like it was pre-planned)
The “paypal” screenshots felt odd to me. (6th red flag)
“We” (me) talked privately to Yasir. About the account login. I know that for an account you really just need to give away email and user and passwords but this guy asked too much thinking about it now.
Yasir asked for statements, devices and screenshots. (Beware apple users because on there is your address, lucky me my first purchase was on an android and it doesn’t show that) (7th red flag, collecting unnecessary information of the account like they know i am going to reclaim with hoyoverse once i figured it out)
Lastly leave you on read and don’t message back. Thats when it sinks in.
I hope buy posting this to spread awareness. I am dumb for falling for such a scam, I was just excited to sell my account to someone so I can get some more money to save for a car. Edit: Yasir Gilbert changed his name to Yaser Michael and Nogi Bases changed his name to Bastian Chris.
“Yaser” has a pfp of a guy in sun glasses sitting down in the sunlight.
“Nogi” has a pfp of a milk container with red labeling.
Edit 2: Nogi Bases changed his name to Sebas Gyorno on Facebook.

submitted by potate134 to GenshinTrades [comments]

2023.04.17 22:57 ramdytis3c Marco Giorgino & Marco Mariano – Sound Of The Ocean [UNION RECORDS (IT)]

Marco Giorgino & Marco Mariano – Sound Of The Ocean (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 120, 5:32, MP3 13.31 Mb, AIFF 58.60 Mb
Marco Giorgino & Marco Mariano – Sound Of The Ocean (Radio Edit) / Key Dm, BPM 120, 2:56, MP3 7.07 Mb, AIFF 31.08 Mb

DOWNLOAD – progonlymusic com

submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [comments]

2023.04.11 07:22 Outrageous_Tree733 VA not listed in credits

submitted by Outrageous_Tree733 to Totaldrama [comments]

2022.12.04 19:09 Ricosss Very low-calorie ketogenic diet rapidly augments testosterone levels in non-diabetic obese subjects. (Pub Date: 2022-12-02)



The very low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) represents an opportunity to attain clinically relevant weight loss in obese patients. Functional hypogonadism represents a frequent hormonal disorder associated with obesity and visceral fat accumulation characterized by low testosterone levels and subnormal LH levels.

Bonus agricoltura

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To evaluate the early effects of VLCKD on serum total testosterone (TT) levels in non-diabetic obese patients.


Twenty-two obese male patients (mean age 39.3 ± 11.7 years, mean BMI 38.2 ± 6.4 kg/m2 ) were enrolled and treated for 28 days with VLCKD. Anthropometric and hormonal variables were assessed before, during and after diet intervention.


After 7 and 28 days on a VLCKD, a significant and persistent reduction in body weight, BMI, fat mass, blood glucose, insulin, and HOMA index was observed compared with baseline. TT significantly increased after 7 days ( 35 ± 64 ng/dl) and 28 days ( 74 ± 97 ng/dl) on a VLCKD. In addition to TT, a significant increase in serum sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels was observed after 7 ( 2.1 ± 4.1) and 28 days ( 7.7 ± 10.0). However, both calculated free testosterone and LH did not change after 7 or 28 days of VLCKD. Following cessation of VLCKD, hypogonadal subjects achieved a higher percentage of total weight loss (8.5 ± 1.5%), a greater reduction in weight (-9.94 ± 1.66 kg), fat mass (-7 ± 2.1 kg), and waist circumference (-6.31 ± 2.65 cm), and a greater improvement in glycaemia (-8.75 ± 10.92 mg/dl) as compared with eugonadal subjects. Furthermore, hypogonadal subjects exhibited a trend of higher TT increase ( 98.12 ± 71.51 ng/dl) as compared with eugonadal subjects.


VLCKD results in rapid improvements in TT levels associated with weight loss in male obese non-diabetic subjects, particularly in the presence of obesity-related hypogonadism. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


  • Cignarelli A
  • Santi D
  • Genchi VA
  • Conte E
  • Giordano F
  • Leo SD
  • Natalicchio A
  • Laviola L
  • Giorgino F
  • Perrini S

—————————————— Info ——————————————
Open Access: False

submitted by Ricosss to ketoscience [comments]

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